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  • library solesmes
  • library solesmes

The Library

Our library is housed in a building specially designed by Dom Paul Bellot – a monk of Solesmes and architect – in 1937, as well as in part of another building constructed in 1896 before the community went into exile. The library includes the scriptorium, which was also built in 1896, although in a very different style to the other buildings.

The library is comprised of around 200,000 books and was built up as soon as monastic life was restored in 1833. It contains many books on patristics, theology and liturgy, which the monks use for their lectio divina and to deepen their faith via study. It also includes large holdings in other fields of learning, especially history, literature and art in general. This is because a monastic library is at the service of all truth and beauty. It is open to men who wish to work in it by appointment with the librarian.